Business Office

  • Lynn Bertolini is a graduate of the University of Alabama at Birmingham where she received both a Bachelor of Science in Business Management and a Master of Business Administration. She is a long-time member of the Catholic Diocese of Birmingham, attended Our Lady of Sorrows Catholic School, and graduated from John Carroll High School. In 2006, Lynn joined the Prince of Peace family as the school secretary and in 2012 moved to the position of bookkeeper. In 2017 Lynn began managing the finances of both the church and school as Finance Manager. She works meticulously at creating an office environment that attends promptly to the needs of each individual, while never underestimating the role of humor in brightening everyone’s day.

  • Born in Nicaragua, but raised in the cultural blend of Miami, FL, Alex’s upbringing has been shaped by the efforts of extraordinary educators and the transformative potential of a quality education. As a product of Catholic education, she recognizes the pivotal driving force it can have for scholars in the pursuit of higher learning.

    In 2008, Alex earned a B.A. and a B.S. from the University of Florida and a Master's degree in Hispanic Linguistics from the University of South Carolina in 2010. She is a Spanish language expert with a passion for community engagement and the empowerment of the Hispanic and Latinx communities.

    Alex and her husband, Geoffrey, have two children who are students at POP.

  • Gail Stromeyer joined Prince of Peace in August 2016. Gail has a Bachelor of Science from Loyola University in Secondary Education. She also went on to become a certified teacher in elementary education. Originally from the New Orleans area, Gail has been involved with Catholic schools her whole life and brings a wealth of technology experience to Prince of Peace. She is mom to two married children and is a grandmother to three grandchildren.